Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Rapture Raptor

For some reason, in my head when I think about the end of times, specifically the rapture, I imagine it having something to do with a raptor. This is likely due to how similar the two words sound, or it could be that I have the gift of prophesy and I know that God is currently chillin with the dinosaurs and unicorns while he waits until it’s time for us to come hang out too.

So, here is how I foresee it happening. God is hanging out with the Rapture Raptor (and yes, God sort of looks like an Asian Gandalf… apparently.)


Then, God decides that the world has just gotten completely out of control and wants Rapture Raptor to head back to Earth and grab the “good kids”.




Yay! Now we’re all happy.

I’m gonna go play with a unicorn.


Sunday, September 26, 2010